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Mary Jane Mucklestone 和 Gudrun Johnston二位住在美國的費爾島編織大師,首度聯手合作,出版這本邊織書,內容包含14個織圖(三件毛衣,二件外套,一件背心,二頂帽子,二條披肩,一條脖圍,二雙襪子,一副手套),是適合在Shetland島旅行使用的織品,書中的照片全都在雋永美麗的Shetland島上取景,真的非常美!費爾島編織迷,不可錯過的一本好書!


Join knitwear designers Mary Jane Mucklestone and Gudrun Johnston for a true Shetland adventure! Their first co-authored book Grand Shetland Adventure Knits is a love letter to these fascinating islands, their nature, traditions, and people. It features 14 knitwear patterns (3 sweaters, 2 cardigans, 1 vest, 2 hats, 2 shawls, 1 cowl, 2 pairs of socks, 1 pair of gloves) that are perfect for a trip to Shetland: from cozy socks and hats to colorwork sweaters.

Short travel stories showcase some of Mary Jane and Gudrun’s favorite places to visit, taking you on an unforgettable journey to a place that — despite its small size and remote location — has had a great impact on the world of knitting.

Mary Jane Mucklestone, also known as MJ, is a knitwear designer, teacher, and author of several knitting books who is based in Maine. She is endlessly enchanted and inspired by Shetland's windswept isles. Her book 200 Fair Isle Motifs is used by The Shetland Peerie Makker's after-school knitting program, which, for MJ, is the equivalent of winning an Oscar!

Gudrun Johnston is a Shetland-born knitwear designer currently based in Massachusetts. She is known for accessible modern-day patterns that are greatly inspired by her heritage. She frequently returns to Shetland, where she loves spending time with her family on the Westside.


編織書Grand Shetland Adventure Knits

NT$1,480 一般價格

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